
Kingdom of Tonga


SVG not on verge of economic collapse – Finance Minister


Minister of Finance, Camillo Gonsalves says a December 2 Bloomberg News Wire report falsely suggests that the International Monetary Fund (IMF) says this country is on the brink of ‘economic collapse’. 

 “Nowhere in the IMF blog post cited by Bloomberg does IMF managing director Kristalina Georgieva mention SVG. Not once; look it up,” Gonsalves commented to SEARCHLIGHT on Monday.  

 The comment was in reference to an article on BNN Bloomberg written by Ana Monteiro with the headline, “IMF Warns of Economic Collapse in Poor Nations Without Debt Fix.” 

PM receives Excellency in Leadership Award


Grenada’s Prime Minister, Dr the Right Honourable Keith Mitchell is the 2020-2021 recipient of the Excellency in Leadership Award, presented by the SIDS Dock Island Women Open Network (IWON), for his outstanding leadership of SIDS DOCK.

Dr Mitchell, who was elected in 2018 as the President of the 4th Session of Assembly of SIDS DOCK, served an unprecedented second term, due to the death of the President-designate, the former Prime Minister of Tonga, in 2019.