
Republic of Singapore


News: Vital Strategies opens office in Addis Abeba to help strengthen Ethiopia’s Public Health Systems


Addis Abeba, February 10/ 2021 Vital Strategies, a leading global health organization which works with governments to design solutions to some of the world’s most challenging health problems, today announced the opening of a new office in Addis Abeba, Ethiopia, Vital Strategies said in a statement sent to Addis Standard.

Air Mauritius: The national carrier’s saga… that ended in disaster


Air Mauritius seems to have seen off the threat of liquidation after an agreement with its creditors to restructure its debt through a massive Rs12 billion government bailout. Out of this, Rs 9.5 billion is just to pay off the debt the airline had struggled with before heading into voluntary administration in April last year. What went so wrong with Air Mauritius?

Betamax vs STC : Coup d'envoi des plaidoiries devant le Privy Council

Le procès en appel devant le Conseil privé de la Reine dans l'affaire Betamax démarre ce mercredi 20 janvier et prendra fin demain jeudi 21 janvier. Place au Queen's Counsel (QC) Mark Howard, représentant juridique de la firme Betamax pour le coup d'envoi des plaidoiries qui se tiennent par visioconférence devant les Lords Hodge, Leggatt, Burrows, Thomas et Lady Arden.